Thursday, 13 September 2012

My Jenny Craig Blog Question

It's a constant battle in my wardrobe, between the clothes I would love to wear, but don't quite fit, and the clothes that fit, but I just don't *want* to wear.  Sad but true.

Jenny Craig UK are running a competition at the moment, giving bloggers the chance to win £400 towards a new bike (to get fit) and a 28 day Jenny Craig weightloss programme (to get less fat!).  All bloggers have to do is to post their own diet & nutrition question for the Jenny Craig nutritionists to answer, and you're in the draw!  Sounds good to me.  I'd love a new bike, it's been years since I rode, but the Taff Trail (and national cycle route 8) go RIGHT past my front door, so there's no excuse really!

My question for the Jenny Craig team is this:

As I'm often too busy in the morning to sit down & eat a proper breakfast, particularly when I have to drop my daughter at nursery before work, I often just grab something on the go.  It's not usually that healthy (and often cost more than I'd like).  Can you give me some hints for healthy breakfasts on-the-go, that are quick & easy to prepare, and cheaper than buying a danish from the shop?

If you're quick, you can add your entry to the list... but get blogging, it closes today!


  1. great question! I grab a cereal bar but I don't think they are very healthy really


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