Sunday 23 September 2012

I Made This...

I clicked on the photo upload widget before I started to write this post, and as usual it opened the folder I'd used last.  It took all the strength in me not to post a picture of my nails & say "I made this".  But that's not what this is about.  Nor is it about cheese & apple scones (though they are yummy).  Nor is it the mess of the living room of my old house.  It's about the thing that makes me most proud, and fills me with a sense of wonder every day.

Squeaky still feels like a little bit of a miracle to me, she was a long time coming, and had a pretty scary birth.  There are moments and emotions that will never leave me, that I am still not sure whether I want to write about.  But arrive she did, like a miniature hurricane.

She stresses me out, don't get me wrong.  Today has been a very long day of highs & lows.  We've successfully managed 4 trips to the potty (don't lets mention the 3 accidents as well).  We've negotiated the car boot sale in the rain.  We've had monumental meltdowns over chocolate coins and one more episode of Ben & Holly.  We've even eaten Sunday lunch.

She definitely looks more like Daddy than she does me.  There's a couple of photos that are pure me, but normally she's the image of her Daddy.  That's as far as it goes though, because in her personality, she's 100% mini-me.  She has to be mentally active - reading a book, chattering, taking everything in.  If there's no stimulation, she'll find some, or make enough trouble that she gets some that way.

She's stubborn.  The joys of two Capricorns in the house, is that we both like to get our own way, and we're always right, even when we're wrong.  Daddy has a lot to put up with, between us both.  She's developing a wickedly silly sense of humour, mimicking some of our better & worse traits.  Today, trying to get into the car boot sale car park, stuck behind someone walking rather slowly, she piped up "Keep moving love", in a perfect copy of my own frustration at other road users (I've had to tone down my language, I'll be honest).

She's cheeky, silly, affectionate.  She loves to sing & dance, and to slap Noel Edmonds (that's definitely my influence.  It's an item on my Bucket List).  She's like holding up a little mirror to me, for good and for bad.

For all she is, for all she's made me.  Squeaky.  I made this!
Oh, and if you're interested, the nails I was going to post were... 

Thanks to Mel from The Diary of a Jewellery Lover for tagging me, this is my entry into Mellow Mummy's I Made This meme

And a quick set of tags to:
Esther at Diary of a Bad Mutha
Claire at Ninja Killer Cat
Joanne at The Blunt Truth
And you!

Mellow Mummy I Made This Meme

1 comment:

  1. She's really getting so grown up! She sounds like a really sweet girl, and I'd love to hang out with both of you someday. Also, I see a lot of you in her face, not just Tim! *squeeze*


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