Thursday 3 June 2010

Will Not Fuss

I will not fuss over every little thing.
I will not fuss over every little thing.
I will not fuss over every little thing.
I will not fuss over every little thing.
I will not fuss over every little thing.
I will not fuss over every little thing.

Right. Now that's out of the way. GAH! Squeaky has discovered a lovely new habit. She's decided that breakfast is for wimps. She'll either refuse to eat at breakfast time, after squawking for food, but then lie there smacking her lips in that "feed me, I'm hungry" type manner. Or, and even better, she'll feed. And then throw it all up. All over me, her, the sofa, the bed, whatever happens to be available. All the rest of her meals stay down, she feeds absolutely fine the rest of the day, but breakfast is for wimps.

Part of me thinks she's eating too much, because she's hungry, and her little stomach can't cope with all she's feeding, so maybe it's time to start adding some baby rice (weaning, yayfun!), but then the other part of me says "But she's throwing up already, is adding something new actually going to help with that? Or am I going to be cleaning up baby rice sick as well as milk sick?"

And unless I bump into her out walking like yesterday, I'm unlikely to see the midwife for another 2 weeks, by which stage I will have washed everything in the house every day. And still smell of baby sick.


  1. Hello! I keep trying to comment here, but I can't make it happy with anyone I try to tell it I am. I am trying again, hang on . .

  2. Look! It totally worked. It's like I'm magical or something.

    Basically I have no help to offer or advice to give, but I am sorry about breakfast. I hate breakfast, but I am sorry anyway.

  3. Hm, it does sound to me like she is overly hungry and so she suckles for all she's worth and it's too much too quickly. Is she nursing in the night? Might be worth waking her up if she's not, or doing an extra session at some point in the night if she is.

    Or just getting her to nurse a little earlier than she has been. Ain't no clocks in babies' tummies.

    She's probably hitting a growth spurt and burning up all her intake faster than she was previously.

    Have you gotten in touch with a La Leche League group in your area? They're so knowledgeable about BFing, and they really want to help. There's a book called "The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding" that would probably be a good resource for you.

    It's a skill just like any other, and you and Rachel have to learn together how to do it. Most women don't have the luxury of being able to learn from family members and friends, so you gotta find a community of women who can teach you!


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