Monday, 7 February 2011

Magpie Monday

Miss Lizzie over at Me And My Shadow is a woman after my own heart.  I can't resist a bit of a bargain, I know I've posted about this before.  Anyway, Miss Lizzie has put together a blog link up called Magpie Monday, based around those bargain finds, from the charity shop, the second hand store, or wherever you find those little treasures that there's *no way* you'd have paid full price for, but just can't live without.

Sounds like my kind of link up.

So, here's my first treasure, and one I'm truly proud of.  I popped in the Cancer Research shop by my mother's house back last summer, not really looking for anything, and spotted a red dress in the children's section.  Looked a bit closer, beautiful, lined Mamas & Papas dress, with the labels still attached.  For £3.  Too big for Squeaky at the time, but even then I figured it would make the perfect Christmas outfit.  And here she is in that very dress.  Also with the "Baby Zimmer" as I tend to refer to that stroller/walker which was donated to us from my cousin, as her little girl has outgrown it.

More finds next time, got to take some photos.

Me and My Shadow


  1. Wow! Great find. What a bargain. Kids clothes sections in charity shops are fab - all those things people buy and forget about and then have to get rid of because the kids have outgrown them!

    Thanks so much for linking up, hope to see you again next week :0) x

  2. So sweet! I get lots of my daughters clothes second hand - she grows out of them so quickly it would cost a fortune to buy everything new.

  3. Awwww gorgeous little girl! Lovely dress...pretty colour!

  4. gorgeous dress - what a great bargain
    QWERTY Mum

  5. wow! I just love the feeling you get when you KNOW you have a fab bargain. She looks adorable in her dress. xx

  6. love that dress!!!! Please to meet you via magpie monday......


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