Saturday 24 November 2012

Never Failed Yorkshire Puddings (recipe)

I mentioned these in an earlier post, and I know I've promised the recipe to a few people, so here we go.

I can't remember where I found this recipe originally, who gave it to me, it's just hand written in my recipe book, so if it's yours, thank you!  This has never ever failed me, in our old house with its thermostatically challenged oven, or our new house with its fully functioning fan oven. (I'm still getting used to that, by the way!)  The secret is, it's all measured by volume.  No scales, you just need a measuring jug, or a child's beaker with ml measures on the side.  And because it's such simple measures, it's easy to scale up or down, depending on your family size.

I made these. Really.

2 eggs
100ml milk
100ml plain flour

makes 6 muffin-sized yorkies, or 12 cupcake sized. Or probably one giant one, if you're a greedy person.

1. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, whisk gently with a fork & make sure there's no lumps
2. Put it to one side for at least half an hour (while you get on with making the dinner!)
3. Preheat the oven to gas mark 8, 220c, or whatever if you've got an old Fahrenheit oven.  If the oven's on for everything else, just whack it up for the last bit of cooking time.
4. Put a greased muffin tin into the oven to heat for 5 mins
5. Carefully remove the tin from the oven & pour the mix into the hot tin. Don't fill the spaces more than halfway, these are going to RISE!!!!
6. Put the tin back into the oven
7. Cook for 20 minutes
9. Remove from the oven
10. Be amazed.
11. Eat.

There you go folks, easy as that!


  1. wow that sounds super easy....for some reason I have never made yorkshire puds and I cook every day so I need to give this a go :) It's great that we are both living up the valleys - although we have just sold our house in Treorchy to move closer to cardiff as the commute is an hour and is draining on everyone. Loving the blog and now following on GFC. Let me know if your going to Britmums or Cybher next year :)

    Laura x

  2. Sounds good. I'll try it and see! Thanks.


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