Well, National Trust it is then. Off in the car 20 minutes down the road to Aberdulais Falls. And perfectly for me, a great mix of nature and heritage, and not a stately home in site. Aberdulais Falls is, as the name suggests, home to a waterfall. A waterfall in a narrow gorge, that through the generations has provided the power to a tin works, as well as other industries lost to time.
Now, at this point I could bore you with a history lesson, but that's not why you come here. Instead, I shall bore you with photos, and tell you about what we did.
We stared at the waterfall and marvelled at how loud it was, while I tried (and failed) to take artsy photos.
We (OK, I) giggled at the name of a piece of equipment used in the tin works. Wobbler is funny, right?
We practised our leaf rubbing skills, and tried to find as many different colour leaves as possible. And planted acorns to see if they would grow into oak trees. Probably not, as they were planted in gravel.
So, we did something cultured and educational with our weekend, as well as being in the beautiful, healthy outdoors. What about you?
We're linking our trip up with Coombe Mill's Country Kids linky. Why not pop along and get inspired?