Not entirely sure he was expecting to have to pose for photos on a Monday afternoon, but he was very obliging.
Nothing in this house can be done without Squeaky's assistance, including opening boxes. She decided that as the chair was for her, she would be the first to see what it looked like.
As we are good girls, we read the instructions before we started trying to put the chair together.
Not that it was difficult at all. The whole thing took less than 20 minutes, and that included getting the black plastic stuff off the cosy-toes box. Oh, yeah, Graco gave us a cosy-toes as well. A very welcome extra treat in this cold weather. Do they come in adult sizes?
And there you have it, one completed Symbio, with added baby.
Of course, it's no use having a lovely new travel system if it just stays in our living room. So we put on our coats, climbed into our cosy-toes, and went for a stroll. A quick lap of the park, and a ride on the swings, and we're ready for our tea. Do you like rice pudding?
I wonder what adventures tomorrow will bring?
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